By Tim Hauserman
The Sierra Nevada is well known for big winter storms. Times when the snow piles up so quickly and deeply that multiple feet of snow covers the area in just a few days. I’ve experienced a lot of those storms while living here since I was a kid. But this one that is bringing in March of 24 falls into the upper echelons of biggies with about 5 feet of snow pummeling down in the first 48 hours, and another foot or more last night as I write this on Sunday morning. All a bit of a shock during a winter when the rest of the storms have been mediocre at best.
When it snows this much in a short amount of time, the world as we know it comes to a screeching halt. The snow on the roads, especially in the neighborhoods, is too deep to drive through since the plows just can’t keep up. And the companies who plow our driveways have their hands full as well. Plowing a driveway with three feet of snow in it and a four foot berm takes a lot longer than a quick turnaround with a foot of snow. The highways, while better plowed, often close because of white out conditions. For example in this latest storm all the roads in and out of Tahoe have been closed most of the storm.
With road closures and the challenges of getting out of the driveway, many businesses shutdown because neither employees or customers can get there. Events like this weekends Snowfest Parade and Great Ski Race were cancelled. And the ski areas were all closed as well because the high winds and avalanche danger made it unsafe to attempt to open.
And so, you take a step back, relax, and enjoy the power and majesty of a Sierra snow storm. We shovel the walkways and decks, while taking frequent breaks to check out the beauty of the snow falling and the trees loaded down with white icing.Take a walk, snowshoe or ski through the deep snow and say hello to the other folks out shoveling (tip: Wear a bright jacket so you can be seen), then it’s inside for hot cocoa and a book. If you are lucky enough to have power you can watch a movie or check out all the snow photos from your friends. And then, layer back up and shovel again.