Uncategorized November 2, 2018

Fantastic Fall Days and the 2018 November Events Calendar

Eagle Falls area

By Michelle Portesi.

The holidays will be upon us before you know it and the snow may be not too far off either, but for now, the waning days of fall are here with crisp but warm days and spectacular autumn colors still to be found.  We decided to take a drive out to Taylor Creek and had a nice walk around the area. If you’ve never been, you really must. Off season is so peaceful as you meander along all the trails. The spawning green and red salmon have pretty much done their thing already, with a school of a mere 7 confused souls still left in a pool by the lookout bridge. The brilliantly yellow aspen leaves have already come and gone, but the colorful leaves of river birch and wild roses are still going strong. We wandered along the grounds of the Tallac, Pope and Vallhala Estates until we finally made our way to The Beacon Restaurant. There we treated ourselves to an excellent lunch with a table-side view of the lake.

Thoroughly full, we needed to work some of that food off. We followed the lake shore path to the Taylor Creek estuary, reading the signs along the interpretive trail back to the main road. Taking in the panoramic view, we looked for the elusive common loon or kingfisher that the plaque says exists here, but I’ve yet to see. We had no such luck on this trek either. Someday…



From there we decided to check out the Eagle Falls area since we were driving past it anyway. You can clearly see where water run off sluices along the crags of the mountain above as the turning colors of the shrubs that gather there deliniates its path. (top photo). The mighty Eagle Falls is now down to a trickle, resembling something closer to a man made water feature than the gushing roar of snow runoff that it is earlier in the season. I’m comforted that there is still water flowing through the stream bed at all this time of year. Soon the snow will fly, the stream will rise again, and the methodic beat of Mother Nature’s cycle will repeat itself.

But for now, it’s gorgeous outside! Get out there and enjoy everything the region has to offer. Our Events Calendar for November is up, and even though it’s off season, you’ll still find plenty of fun things to do and wonderful days ahead. In addition, pick up the Tahoe Weekly for their discounted and 2 for 1 Restaurant coupons. Once the holidays hit, those will disappear, so now’s the time to enjoy some of those local favorites.


What’s left this season of Eagle Falls, overlooking Emerald Bay and Fanette Island